Monday, June 30, 2008

June 30th, 2008

Patent News Watch
From First to File (
June 30th, 2008
Headlines for the week: (Scroll down for articles)

-SAP to Pay $83.3 Million in Patent Settlement
-Sun scores blow against NetApp
-S.C. Johnson sued over patent
-Patent troll Acacia takes one in the kisser
-Company Files Defamation Action Against Patent Holding Company
-Tech giants aim to cut patent trolls off at the pass
-Microsoft on open source: "We should have done it earlier"
-J&J CEO leaves door open for getting into generics
-India way behind China in filing patent applications
-Why Patent Applications Increase in a Down Economy
-Sweet Science: IBM Teams With Chocolatier to Grow Better Beans

SAP to Pay $83.3 Million in Patent Settlement

(PCWorld) SAP has agreed to pay i2 Technologies, maker of SCM (supply chain management) software, $83.3 million to settle a patent claim i2 brought against the enterprise software maker.

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Sun scores blow against NetApp

(Blocks and Files) Sun has had one of the patents cited by NetApp in its ZFS patent infringement case against it temporarily removed from the litigation. NetApp and Sun couldn't agree a settlement of the case though.

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S.C. Johnson sued over patent

(JS Online) Dial Corp., the maker of Renuzit air freshener products, has sued Racine-based S.C. Johnson & Son Inc., accusing the company of patent infringement.

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Patent troll Acacia takes one in the kisser

(CNet) While much of the industry lives in fear of a patent troll rearing its ugly head, Cognex has decided to take on trolls like Lemelson and Acacia, and has been spanking them on a regular basis.

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Company Files Defamation Action Against Patent Holding Company

(271) Cognex has established a reputation for aggressively defending itself against patent infringement from holding companies.

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Tech giants aim to cut patent trolls off at the pass

(ZDnet) Verizon, Google, Cisco, Ericsson and HP are joining a group designed to buy up intellectual property before other parties acquire it to launch lawsuits.

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Microsoft on open source: "We should have done it earlier"

(CNet) No, it's not Steve Ballmer pounding the podium in favor of open source, but apparently Microsoft's field is being told to play nice.

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J&J CEO leaves door open for getting into generics

(Reuters) Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.N: Quote, Profile, Research) has not ruled out going into generic drugs, says its chief executive, noting the large opportunities from many medicines going off patent.

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India way behind China in filing patent applications

(Economic Times) India and China might be the competing economic giants globally, but when it comes to innovation, the land of dragon is way ahead, filing nearly seven times more patent applications compared to our country.

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Why Patent Applications Increase in a Down Economy

(Black Enterprise) Even in a down economy, New Jersey companies continue to generate new patent applications, keeping attorneys specializing in intellectual property rights busy.

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Sweet Science: IBM Teams With Chocolatier to Grow Better Beans

(TechNewsWorld) IBM is putting its considerable computing horsepower to use in the search for better chocolate.

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